Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We've had quite the last few weeks! Kjirsten is getting very mobile. She knows how to walk pretty well, although she prefers crawling since she's faster at it. She's quite the climber, though - yesterday she was trying to climb up the bathroom cupboard by hooking her toes on the top of the door! She's saying "mama" regularly, and sometimes "dada" or "papa" and has four signs in her vocabulary.

Natali was sick before Thanksgiving, so that put a damper on her week - she missed a few days of preschool, which she was disappointed about. She kept making me do circle time and art projects all day. She had fun seeing her baby cousin at Thanksgiving, along with a lot of other family members. The picture is from the St. Martinstag celebration at her preschool.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, look at that picture of Natali; she's getting SO big!
